As I share, I learn that my friends fall into one of three categories: 1) THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE EATING IS UNHEALTHY, but they don't have A) Willpower (their words, not mine) B) Money (organic is more expensive, most of the time, this is true) C) Time (anything worthwhile takes time, as does learning what to avoid or where to find healthy alternatives or having to make your own solutions) D) a clear reason to need to eat healthy (in other words, they aren't suffering, whether through obesity or food-related illnesses, so why should they care?). 2) THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE EATING IS UNHEALTHY and they are interested in changing, once they hear, but they have no idea where to begin. 3) THEY DON'T BELIEVE THAT CHANGING THEIR EATING HABITS WILL EVER EFFECT THEIR BODY. Anyone who reads documentation on disease and conditions over the past 100 years, will see that there is a direct correlation. We are what we eat!
Many years ago, eating whole, organic, local food (mostly produce) was just a part of who we were, it was all we knew. And, while we didn't have as many food options as we do now, we were living healthier lives. It is so sad that with all of the technology we have developed over the past 100 years, we have lost that connection to what we once knew.
This week, I am in the middle of reading an awesome book by Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma. While I haven't finished his book yet (so I can't give you my completely-honest review), I have spent the past year watching documentaries on this very topic. What better time than now to begin educating yourself on the matter of your health and the food industry. For those of you who haven't seen this list of movies, most of them are available on Netflix. If you don't have a Netflix account (we didn't until last month), and you live in my area, Top Hat Video in Bountiful has many of these titles and are great at ordering in new movies that are similar to these. Just ask them! If you have watched these films and wish to purchase them, here are some links:
This list should keep you busy over the next week. Let me know in the comments, if you can think of any others I missed (I know there are a few, but can't remember the titles). Hopefully, some of these films will give you the motivation to begin your own Healthy Adventure!
~.~the purple sprout